Monday, December 26, 2011

Pork Rib Herbal Soup

When it's winter, and you shiver;
All you want is to feel warmer...

And what better way to do it than through soup?!

Pork Rib Herbal Soup

Pork Rib Herbal Soup (20 mins preparation, Total = 24 hours)
1 packet herbs (packed by mother-in-law)
Pork ribs

The night before:
Make sure they're clean
  1. Defrost pork ribs, which have been cut into small pieces by pork seller.
  2. Soak the herbs for a bit and then rinse it. Separate the wolfberries from the rest of the herbs.
  3. Once the pork ribs are fully defrosted, wash each individual pork rib piece thoroughly with water. Rub each piece with salt and rinse.
  4. Boil the pork ribs in a small pot of water. Let it boil for about two minutes.
  5. Throw away the hot water and rinse the pork ribs.
Start the boil!
  1. Whip out the magic saver cooker and put the herbs (except the wolfberries) and pork ribs into the pot. 
  2. Pour in 2.5 soup bowls of water and bring it to a boil.
  3. Let it boil for about 5 minutes before putting the pot into the magic saver cooker.
  4. Leave overnight and in the morning, just before going to work, boil it again for another 5 minutes before putting the pot back into the magic saver cooker.
Just before dinner time:
Time to eat!
  1. Put in the wolfberries and bring the soup to a boil.
  2. Throw in a dash of salt and let the soup boil for about 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Serve.

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